Friday, March 28, 2008

Caroline & Katie Beth

Katie Beth came over to play one day while
her parents were moving into a new house.
They fit perfectly on her Dora couch!

It was such a pretty day that we decided to take
a wagon ride around the neighborhood.

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Mommy's makeup

I think she is going to be a makeup
artist one day...she loves to put on
Mommy's makeup. Mimi tells her
she looks like a "hussy" when she
puts it on herself.
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A Day at the Zoo

A trip to the zoo is always fun...
she is amazed at the elephant
putting mud on his back!

Caroline loves the animals at the zoo...
even the pretend ones!

Let's try milking a can't be that hard!

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Just trying to capture
Caroline in her Easter
dress before we get it

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Caroline & Heidi

Caroline and Heidi standing by the cross
after church on Easter Sunday.

Notice Caroline and Heidi have
matching Easter dresses...
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Easter Basket

Caroline was very excited to check her Easter basket!
She got some bubbles, stickers, books and a duck egg
that really hatches!

Her doll, Heidi, must be special, too, because
got a carseat and a new bottle from the
Easter Bunny!
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Dying Easter Eggs

Yippee! She has no idea what it means to dye
an egg, but she's excited!

Mimi's dog, Chloe doesn't want to miss out on
the fun either, so she eats a dye tablet that was
dropped on the floor before we even get started...
I guess she's trying to make "Easter poop"...gross!

Dying Eggs

Yippee! She has no idea what it means to dye
an egg, but she's excited!

Mimi's dog, Chloe doesn't want to miss out on
the fun either, so she eats a dye tablet that was
dropped on the floor before we even get started...
I guess she's trying to make "Easter poop"...gross!
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Egg Dying

It's was "tradition" that we dyed Easter eggs with
our Granny, so Mimi is carrying on the tradition
with Caroline.

Caroline is very serious about her job, but doesn't
like to wait for the eggs to sit in the dye!

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Dying Eggs & Hands

The finished was worth all the trouble!

How did my hands get so blue???

Did I do that?? Oops!
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A little pouty moment at the mall...
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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Egg Hunt

We'll try this Egg Hunt thing again next year!
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Egg Hunt

After the Christ Walk, the kids got to hunt for
Easter eggs. Caroline would have found more,
but she had to stop and look to see what was
in each egg before she would pick up another one.

Checking out her goodies!

Poor thing only found eggs with chocolate in them,
which she isn't supposed to eat!

She still had fun finding the eggs!
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Christ Walk

Our church has a Christ Walk where there is a room for each event
that happened to Christ during Lent. This is the first year our church
has had a Christ Walk for the children. In the Resurrection room,
the room was decorated with flowers and butterflies and the children
made Easter Lillies.

Caroline couldn't resist smelling her beautiful lilly!

These are the "disciples" in the Upper Room where they
were about to have the Last Supper (really raisin bread
and grape juice).
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Dancing Queen

This is Caroline after getting out of the
bath... I guess she's excited to be clean!

She likes to "Shake her Booty"!
She must not get that from her father!

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Circus Time

This was the first year they had bears at this circus...
It was definitely my favorite act!

Mommy must say that she enjoyed
the circus...I'm just a big kid!

I think Daddy kind of liked it too!
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